
Conferences & Workshops

  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of Science & Technology
  • Faculty of Law
Conferences & Workshops

The University has hosted five international / national conferences and 7 seminars. The details are presented below.

14th Doctoral Thesis Conference in association with IGIDR Mumbai

13th Doctoral Thesis Conference in association with IGIDR Mumbai

AIB India Conference in association with AIB

12th Doctoral Thesis Conference in association with IGIDR Mumbai

6th International Conference on Applied Econometrics in association with The Indian Econometric Society, New Delhi

11th Doctoral Thesis Conference in association with IGIDR Mumbai

10th Doctoral Thesis Conference in association with IGIDR Mumbai

National Conference on Evolving Trends in Finance & Accounting

14th International Conference on Business and Finance (ICBF) with Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune

13th International Conference on Business and Finance (ICBF) in association with Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune

6th International Conference on Human Resource Management: The Changing Landscape of HRM (Virtual) Pre-Conference workshop on How to conduct a Good Research Panel discussion on Hybrid Work Models: Opportunities and Challenges for HR

5th Conference on Human Resource Management: Emerging Trends, Practices, and Concerns in HRM (Virtual) Pre-Conference workshop on HR Analytics using Python Panel Discussion on Revisiting Human Resource Management in a Digital World: Perceptions and Reality

4th International Conference on Human Resource Management: Advances in Human Resource Management Panel Discussion on Sustainable HRM Practices in India

9th IBS Conference on Marketing and Business Strategy “MARKETING 5.0: Opportunities and Challenges”

8th IBS Conference on Marketing & Business Strategy

7th IBS Conference on Marketing and Business Strategy (ICOMBS)

6th IBS Conference on Marketing & Business Strategy” (ICOMBS-2015)

4th International Conference on Operations Management (ICOM): Digitalization: A new Age of Business Innovations & Decision-Making

International Conference on Operations Management on Operations Management, IT & Analytics

International Conference on Operations Management

International Conference on Operation Management - Contemporary Operations Management Research & Practice

Seminars-ILS Seminars-ILS-2