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Goals & Skills

Professional Learning

Each student shall be equipped with the ability to grasp, transform and realise an idea into an architectural program.

Social & Cultural Thinking

To design, understand and build for another human shall bring into the students sensitivity and a meaningful cultural contribution to a larger social and cultural context.

Digital Technology

Students will be trained to the latest digital techniques by introducing them to fabrication and environmentally sensitive designs.

Urbanism & Sustainable Practices

Students shall be exposed to scenarios and conditions to develop the ability to integrate sustainable practices, and material research to find sustainable and cultural design solutions.

Critical Thinking

Students shall be equipped with creative, analytical, and intellectual thinking to apply to architectural and environmental issues.

Professional Knowledge

ISArch focuses on training its students toward necessary transferable skills. Such as communication skills, necessary leadership abilities, and imposing team work through its studio culture, and finally aims to create a comprehensive personality of each one of its students.
