Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

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  1. Is IFHE University Entitled by UGC?

    • The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE), Hyderabad was declared as a Deemed-to-be-University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 in 2008.
  2. What is the minimum eligibility to enrol in IFHE’s Distance Learning MBA Program?

    • Graduate in any discipline from a Entitled university with the medium of instruction as English
  3. What is the minimum eligibility to enrol in IFHE’s Distance Learning BBA Program?

    • 10+2 in any discipline from a Entitled Board /university with the medium of instruction as English
  4. Is there an entrance test for admission?

    • No. There is no entrance test for the admission
  5. Are Diploma candidates with work experience eligible for MBA Program?

    • No. Only Graduates from a Entitled university are eligible to enrol.
  6. What is the duration of the program?

    • MBA: Minimum duration of the Program is 2 years. However, the enrolment is valid for 4 years.
    • BBA: Minimum duration of the Program is 3 years. However, the enrolment is valid for 6 years.
  7. What is the current Program Fee? Can I pay in instalments?

    • MBA: Year Wise Fee Payment: Rs. 80,000/- (Admission fee Rs.10,000 & Program fee - Rs. 35,000 per each year). Semester Wise Fee Payment: Rs. 82,000/- (Admission fee Rs.10000 & Semester fee - Rs.18,000 per semester )
    • BBA: Year Wise Fee Payment: Rs. 65,000/- (Admission fee Rs. 5000 & Program fee - Rs. 20,000 per each year). Semester Wise Fee Payment: Rs. 68,000/- (Admission fee Rs.5000 & Semester fee - Rs.10500 per semester). For further details, please visit www.ifheindia.org/dlp
  8. What is the Certification I get after completing the program?

    • MBA: Students who successfully completes the graduation requirements for the Distance MBA Program, will be awarded the Master of Business Administration degree (through the Distance learning mode) from The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE).
    • BBA: Students who successfully completes the graduation requirements for the Distance BBA Program, will be awarded the Bachelor of Business Administration degree (through the Distance learning mode) from The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE).
  9. What is the program structure?

    • MBA: There are 21 subjects + 1 project work totalling 98 credits spread over 4 semesters to qualify for the MBA degree.
    • BBA: There are 46 subjects totalling 136 credits spread over 6 semesters to qualify for the degree.
  10. How many specializations / electives are offered in MBA program?

    • There are 6 elective subjects and 1 project.
    • Semester III Elective Options - Students can opt for 3 Elective subjects from 10 Options
    • Semester IV Elective Options - Students can opt for 3 Elective Subjects from 10 Options
  11. What is the pedagogy/learning methodology for Distance Learning programs?

    • Distance Learning Programs are primarily based on self-study.
    • The University facilitates the learning process by providing Self-Learning Material (SLMs) in form of books.
    • Regular academic support through interactive counselling sessions between faculty and students.
  12. What is the evaluation process?

    • Evaluation is through Continuous and End-Semester examinations.
    • Continuous assessment contributes to 30% of the overall weight of the course assessment. It is done through assignments submission.
    • End-Semester examinations are conducted at test centre in CBT (Computer Based Testing) mode. They carry 70% weightage.
  13. Can I appear from semester-end examinations from anywhere in India?

    • The End Semester examinations are organized and conducted at designated test centres within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the University.
    • At present examinations are conducted at IFHE CDOE – Study Centre, Hyderabad.
  14. Can I write examinations Online?

    • No. All the examinations are organized and conducted at designated test centres within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the University.