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Teaching and Evaluation Methodology

  • Clinical courses are the compulsory courses for the students.
  • These courses are considered as essential tools which help students to learn professional ethics and the skills of drafting, writing pleading and advocacy.
  • ICFAI Law School is committed to contributing to the society by way of spreading legal awareness, legal literacy and by providing legal services through its Legal Aid Centre.
  • It plans to coordinate with the District and State Legal Services Authorities in solving the disputes of the local people.

Learning at the ICFAI Law School is student centric and multi-dimensional. The teacher does not teach what he knows but imparts what student is required to know for his professional career. The Law School imparts and trains the student in:

Professional Skills
  • Lawyering skills
  • Advocacy skills
  • Drafting skills
  • Communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Articulation skills
  • Listening skills
  • Research skills
Organizing Skills
  • Balancing the work and time
  • Office management
  • Court management
  • Client management
  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Team management and coordination
  • Resources planning and management
  • Technology management
Practical Experiences
  • Court room experiences
  • Chamber management
  • Horizontal and vertical relationships
International Relations
  • Soft skills
  • Client psychology
  • Public relations
  • Client assessment
The students learn aforesaid skills with the help
  • Class room lectures
  • Interactions with Judicial officers and advocates
  • Court visits and Moot courts
  • Internships
  • Clinical courses
  • Legal aid clinics
  • Assignments
  • Immersion workshops
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Simulations
  • Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • Role plays
  • Organizing the functions and events
  • Participations in inter college, national level competitions
  • Social works
  • Group discussions
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The learning at ICFAI Law School is multi-dimensional in addition to classroom teaching. A host of activities like Assignments, Moot Courts, Clinical Courses, Legal Aids, Immersion Workshops, Seminars/Workshops, Internships, Extra-curricular Activities etc., are designed to sharpen the domain knowledge of legal profession.

The ICFAI Law School has a unique and innovative approach to legal education that focuses on providing the right knowledge and skills for enduring success in legal careers. As practice precedes theory, more emphasis is placed on the conceptual understanding and application of law. Learning at ICFAI Law School aims to sharpen the professional skills, organizing skills, interpersonal skills and practical learning of a student, through various learning tools like clinical courses, internships, legal aid clinics and court visits.


The internships form an important component of law education at ICFAI Law School. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between the professional world and academic institutions. Internship introduces students to real-life situations. Students are encouraged to take up assignments, which are multi-disciplinary, goal-oriented, time bound and involve teamwork. Students of BBA-LLB (Hons.)/BA-LLB (Hons.) Program undertake the internship program at the end of each year during the summer holidays. The students are sent to the law firms, corporates, advocates offices of judges of the High Courts and Supreme Court, NGOs, Consumer Courts, etc., to gain practical knowledge. Read More

Clinical Courses and Legal Aid Projects

Clinical courses are the compulsory courses for the students. These courses are considered as essential tools which help students to learn professional ethics and the skills of drafting, writing pleading and advocacy. ICFAI Law School is committed to contributing to the society by way of spreading legal awareness, legal literacy and by providing legal services through its Legal Aid Centre. It plans to coordinate with the District and State Legal Services Authorities in solving the disputes of the local people. Read More

Court Visits

The students are taken to various courts like High Court, Civil Court, Criminal Court, Family Court and Tribunals, accompanied by the Faculty to enable them to observe the proceedings in the court to learn the court craft and practical part of the legal education.

Guest Lectures

Eminent academicians and practicing legal professionals are invited for guest lectures wherein students get to understand the applications of various laws and management concepts and ideas. Guest lectures are considered as significant learning tools as the students note the experiences of legal professionals directly.

Expert Lecture Series

A series of special lectures by eminent scholars will be arranged for majority of courses.

Mentoring Process

ICFAI Law School implements mentoring process to help new students joining the law program. The students are divided into groups. Each group will be mentored by one faculty member from the ICFAI Law School. The process is aimed at helping the students to come out of their academic & non-academic problems and streamline their inherent skills towards gearing up for the best career options.

Career Guidance Cell

Career Guidance Cell is one of the vital organs of the ICFAI Law School Hyderabad. It is an ambitious initiative made with an ultimate objective to provide effective 360 degree learning of 21st century skill sets. It is aimed to enhancing the soft-skills training such as the written and oral communication skills through group discussions, seminars, debate competitions, argumentative skills, advocacy & lawyering skills with the help of intra college and inter college Moot Court competitions, legal aid programs.

The retired High Court and Dist. Court judges, senior advocates and retired professors of law help the students in attaining their objectives. Students also taught in paralegal activities so that they can file their suits in the court without depending upon the law clerks.

The Career Guidance Cell in addition to the sharpening the skill sets, assist the students in placements, identifying the advocates for the internship, providing special coaching for the Judicial examinations, company secretary examinations, other public service competitive examinations.

The Career Guidance Cell also help the students who wish to pursue higher studies in law either in India or abroad like UK and US.

The students may register with the Career Guidance Cell for their need and to achieve their target professional growth.