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Articles By Faculty

Title of the Paper

SHE TEAMS’ Brand Awareness and Effectiveness for Women’s Safety: An Empirical Study in Hyderabad

Name of the Journal, 2023

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal

Title of the Paper

Analyzing barriers for implementing new vehicle scrap policy in India

Name of the Journal, 2023

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Title of the Paper

SHE TEAMS’ Brand Awareness and Effectiveness for Women’s Safety: An Empirical Study in Hyderabad

Name of the Journal, 2023

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal

Title of the Paper

Analyzing barriers for implementing new vehicle scrap policy in India

Name of the Journal, 2023

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Title of the Paper

Impact of Green Marketing on market performance in rural India

Name of the Journal, 2023

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal

Title of the Paper

Optimizing customer engagement content strategy in retail and E-tail: Available on online product review videos

Name of the Journal, 2022

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Title of the Paper

Robust supplier-selection and order-allocation in two-echelon supply networks: A parametric tolerance design approach

Name of the Journal, 2022

Computers & Industrial Engineering

Title of the Paper

Examining Relationships among Festival Satisfaction, Place Attachment, Emotional Experience, and Destination Loyalty

Name of the Journal, 2022

Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Title of the Paper

Multinational enterprises’ internationalization and adoption of sustainable development goals

Name of the Journal, 2022

International Journal of Managerial Finance

Title of the Paper

Entrepreneurial Attitude and Engagement among Women: An Empirical Study of Emerging Economy

Name of the Journal, 2022

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal

Title of the Paper

Speed of adjustment in energy and metal prices: Evidence from India

Name of the Journal, 2022

Resources Policy

Title of the Paper

The impact of a pandemic on knowledge sharing behavior: a COR perspective

Name of the Journal, 2022

VINEJournalofInformation and Knowledge Management Systems

Title of the Paper Name of the Author Name of the Journal Year of Publication

Towards a sustainable organic waste supply chain: A comparison of centralized and decentralized systems

Rathore, P., Chakraborty, S., Gupta, M., Sarmah, S.P.

Journal of Environmental Management


Building corporate reputation through corporate social responsibility: the mediation role of employer branding

Asha Binu Raj, Akbar Jan N., Subramani A.K.

International Journal of Social Economics


Effect of High Frequency Trading: A Study on Market Returns of NSE India

Anita C Raman, Sashikala Parimi, & Vishal Roy.

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal


Corporate governance: Does it matter management of carbon emission performance? An empirical analyses of Indian companies

N.Narsa Goud

Journal of Cleaner Production


Maintenance 4.0: implementation challenges and its analysis

Ajith Tom James,Girish Kumar,Adnan Qayyum,Mohammad Asjad Khan,

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management


Does HPWS amplify employees' change readiness for digital transformation? A study through the “work-from-anywhere” prism

Narbariya, Sonalia , Mohammad Abdul Nayeem and Ritu Gupta

Personnel Review


Role of celebrity credibility on banking service providers

Ramendra Pratap Singh

Marketing Intelligence & Planning


Does mandatory CSR expenditure regulation matter to promoters? Empirical evidence from India

Satish Kumar and Geeta Singh

Meditari Accountancy Research


Emotional intelligence and leadership: insights for leading by feeling in the future of work

Saha, Surajit., Das, R., Lim, W.M., Kumar, S., Malik, A. and Chillakuri, B

International Journal of manpower


CSR Spending in India: Exploring the Linkages with Business Group Affiliation and Product Portfolio Diversification

Srikanth Potharla, Hiranya Dissanayake, Balachandram Amirishetty

Applied Finance Letters


Survival and sustenance strategy of primary agricultural cooperative credit societies in India: a fuzzy interpretive structural modelling approach

Debadutta Kumar Panda,Kaushik Bhattacharje,Sankarshan Basu,Debmallya Chatterjeee,

International Journal of Social Economics


Flood-induced vulnerability of a below sea level farming system in southern India: an assessment through coping strategy intensity

Lagesh M.A



Analysing the impact of FDI and globalization on tourism development

Sangram Keshari Jenaa , Aruna Kumar Dashb , Amarnath Mitrac and Aviral Kumar Tiwari



Does share-holding pattern affect firm performance? Evidence from India

Geeta Singh, Satish Kumar, Sedidi Vijayalakshmi, Kaushik Bhattacharjee

Journal of Public Affairs


Is oil price risk systemic to sectoral equity markets of an oil importing country? Evidence from a dependence-switching copula delta CoVaR approach

Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Sangram Keshari Jena, Satish Kumar, Erik Hille

Annals of Operations Research


Is health consciousness and perceived privacy protection critical to use wearable health devices? Extending the model of goal-directed behavior

Nishit Kumar Srivastava, Namrata Chatterjee, A.K. Subramani, N. Akbar Jan, Pankaj Kumar Singh

Benchmarking: An International Journal


Does managing customer accounts receivable impact customer relationships, and sales performance? An empirical investigation
Ramendra Pratap Singh-IBS Hyderabad; Ramendra Singh-IIM Kolkata; Prasahnt Mishra-IIM Kolkata Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2021
Capital structure, competitive intensity and firm performance: an analysis of Indian pharmaceutical companies Neeti Mathur (NIIT University),Satish Chandra Tiwari(IBS Hyderabad), T.Sitaramaiah (IBS Hyderabad), Himansu Mathur(GPS Education Centre) Managerial Finance 2021
Examining environmental friendly behaviors of tourists towards sustainable development Vikas Gautam Journal of Environmental Management 2020
Consumer engagement behaviors: do service convenience and organizational characteristics matter?. Roy, S. K., Shekhar, V., Quazi, A., & Quaddus, M. Journal of Service Theory and Practice 2020
Brand trust, institutional commitment, and their impact on student loyalty: evidence for higher education in India Anish Yousaf, Abhishek Mishra and Makhmoor Bashir Studies in Higher Education 2020
Does debt diversification impact firm value? Evidence form India Nemiraja Jadiyappa, L.Emily Hickman, Pavana Jyothi, Narender Vunyale International Review of Economics and Finance 2020
Thresholds of financial development in the Euro area Vighneswara Swamy; Dharani M The World Economy 2020
Measuring the Efficacy of Financial Intermediation - A Transaction Cost Approach Vighneswara Swamy World Economics Journal http://www.world-economics-journal.com/ 2020
Sustainable Human Resource Management and the Triple Bottom line: Multistakeholder strategies, concepts and engagement James W. Westerman, M. Bhaskara Rao, Sita Vanka, Manish Gupta Human Resource Management Review 2020
Consumer resistance and inertia of retail investors: Development of the resistance adoption inertia continuance (RAIC) framework Himanshu Seth, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan, India; Shalini Talwar, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India; Anuj Bhatia, Institute of Rural Management Anand, India; Akanksha Saxena, ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India; Amandeep Dhir, Optentia Research Focus Area, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2020
Measuring CRM Effective in Indian Stock Broking Services Shiv Ratan Agrawal and Divya Mittal Journal of Global Information Management 2019
Consumer dispositions toward global brands Ankur Srivastava and M S Balaji Marketing Intelligence & Planning 2019
Measuring customer based Place Brand Equity (CBPBE) from a Public Diplomacy Perspective: Evidence from West Bengal Sunny Bose, Sanjit Roy, Sharifah Farid Syed Alwi and Bang Nguyen Journal of Business Research 2019
Value co-creation as a dialectical process: Study in Bangladesh and Indian Province of West Bengal. Bose, Sunny, Babu, Mohiuddin M. Information Systems Frontiers 2019
Does risk premium help uncover the uncovered interest parity failure? Satish Kumar Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 2019
Testing the oil price efficiency using various measures of long-range dependence Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Satish Kumar, Rajesh Pathak, David Roubaud Energy Economics 2019
Estimating Loss-in-Output as a Cost
of a Financial Crisis
Dr. Vighneswara Swamy World Economics Journal 2019
The dynamics of finance-growth nexus in advanced economies Vighneswara Swamy ,Dharani M International Review of Economics & Finance 2019
Dependence risk analysis in energy, agricultural and precious metals commodities: a pair vine copula approach Satish Kumar, Aviral Kumar Tiwari Applied Economics 2019
Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India from Major Source Countries: An Empirical Analysis Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Aruna Kumar Dash and Badri G Current Issues in Tourism 2019
Are Tourist Arrivals Stationary? Evidence from BRIC countries Aruna Kumar Dash, Suresh KG and Aviral Tiwari Current Issues in Tourism 2019
Does international tourism affect international trade and economic growth? The Indian experience Suresh KG and  Tiwari AK Empirical Economics 2019
Influence of culture on OCB and mediation effects of responsible leadership and knowledge sharing An empirical study from UAE SRINIVASA RAO; WAHEED ABDUL KAREEM; YEHIA KAMAL Knowledge Management Research and Practice 2019
Customer engagement behaviors: The role of service convenience, fairness and quality Roy, S. K., Shekhar, V., Lassar, W. M., and Chen Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2018
An empirical comparison of two brand personality scales: Evidence from India Anees Ahmad and K S Thyagaraj Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2017
Role of Mobile banking servicescape on customer Attitude and engagement:An empirical Investigation Debajani Sahoo,Sreejesh S International Journal of Bank Marketing 2017
Effect of information quality of employment website on attitude toward the website: A moderated mediation study Chetna Priyadarshini, Sreejesh S and Anusree MR* International Journal of Manpower 2017
Measuring Customer Based Place Brand Equity: An Investment Attractiveness Perspective Sunny Bose, Sanjit Kumar Roy and Abhay Tiwari Journal of Strategic Marketing 2016
The Effect of Demographic and Personality Characteristics on Fashion Shopping Proneness – A Study of the Indian Market Subhadip Roy, Raj Sethuraman and Rashmita Saran International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 2016
ICT-Driven Financial Inclusion Initiatives for Urban Poor in a Developing Economy: Implications for Public Policy Shailendra Singh Bisht and Vishal Mishra Behaviour and Information Technology 2016
Board Structure, Controlling Ownership and Business Groups: Evidence from India Yogesh Chauhan, Dipanjan Kumar Dey and Rajneesh Ranjan Jha Emerging Markets Review 2016
Are exchange rates interdependent? Evidence using wavelet analysis Satish Kumar, Rajesh Pathak, Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Seong-Min Yoon Applied Economics 2016
Corporate governance practices, self-dealings, and firm performance: Evidence from India Yogesh Chauhan, Rajyalakshmi and Dipanjan Dey Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 2016
Financial liberalization and Capital structuring decisions of corporate firms: Evidence from India Nemiraja J, V Nagi Reddy and Raveesh Kutty Economics Letters 2016
IPOs and SEOs, Real Investments and Market Timing: Emerging Market Evidence Kavita Wadhwa and Nagi Reddy Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 2016
Price Manipulation, front running and Bulk Trades: Evidence from India Satish Kumar, C Chakrapani, B P Nupur and Nikhil Rastogi Emerging Markets Review 2015
Exploring the Linkage between the Components of Motivational Systems Theory and Career Decisiveness: The Mediating Role of Career Optimism Srabasti, Chhaterjee, Nikhat  Afshan and  Prerna Chhetri Journal of Career Assessment 2015
Customer personality and relationship satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Indian banking sector Vishal Mishra and Sridhar Vaithianathan International Journal of Bank Marketing 2015