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Centers of Excellence @ Off-Campus


Case Research Centre at IFHE Off Campus Centre in Bengaluru was set up on April 18, 2024. While ICFAI is known for the legacy of the case study pedagogy with its sustained focus over two decades in case study development and case study teaching, the off campus centre exhibited its enthusiasm for the pedagogic tool through workshops, seminars, case study conferences, teaching and development of case studies. From 2024, all the initiatives have been structured under the Case Research Centre. The primary objective of the Centre is to render support in case study development. The Centre would also train faculty in the use of case studies. Through these efforts, the Centre is expected to contribute to the ICFAI brand and strengthen its image as a case study proponent.

Research & Development Centre is vital for management professionals looking to innovate, strategize, and succeed in today's data-driven business environment. By utilizing the power of advanced analytics, strategic research, technology exploration, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and continuous learning, we empower researchers to unlock new opportunities and drive organizational success. R&D Centre supports students, faculty and researchers at every step to explore new ideas, gain strategic insights, develop your leadership skills, or establish strategic partnerships.

The primary objective of the R&D Centre is to promote innovation and advanced technology, solve problems, develop new products, and generate valuable intellectual property. Strategic exploration and collaboration drive the organization forward by staying ahead of market trends and addressing emerging challenges.

Nurtures a vibrant culture of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship among students and alumni. We aim to inspire student entrepreneurs by offering them comprehensive support, resources, and guidance to turn their innovative ideas into thriving businesses. Through various programs and initiatives, we strive to foster an entrepreneurial mind set among students and provide them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and networks to overcome the hurdles through their entrepreneurial journey.

The Objective of Entrepreneurship and Incubation Cell

Inspiring Entrepreneurial Mindset

Our objective is to ignite and cultivate an entrepreneurial mind set among students, inspiring them to think creatively, embrace risk-taking, and pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations with confidence.

Guiding Idea Development

We aim to provide a supportive environment where students can nurture innovative ideas through mentorship, workshops, and resource access.

Promoting Innovation and Research

We encourage and support innovative research initiatives that have the potential to address real-world problems and create impact.

Creating a Supportive Ecosystem

We aim to build a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem where students feel supported, empowered, and connected.

Facilitating Hands-On Learning and Experience

We provide students with hands-on learning opportunities and real-world experience in entrepreneurship through experiential programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives.

Fostering Collaborative Networks

Collaboration is essential for entrepreneurial success. We foster collaborative networks that promote learning, growth, and partnership opportunities.

The world is currently facing various environmental, social, and economic issues that require immediate action. To bring about a change in the world, we will have to act local and think global. The adoption of sustainable development goals is an essential step towards mitigating these challenges, and universities can play a crucial role in this effort.

At IFHE, we have recognized our responsibility and commitment towards sustainability and as a result, the IFHE Centre of Excellence for Sustainability has come into being. The centre has adopted a think-do-teach philosophy, which incorporates sustainability practices while working with society, markets, and governments to create a more sustainable future.

The centre aims to draw together expertise, best practices, and strategic insights from all stakeholders to address the challenges and opportunities that sustainability brings. This collective effort will create a sustainable future, enabling the university to leave its footprint as a responsible institution that takes an active role in addressing global challenges.

Sustainable Development Goals

The IFHE Centre of Excellence strives to stay committed to the following SDG goals that align with our vision and mission (emphasis on social and moral responsibility). They are-

  • Quality Education (substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship)
  • Responsible consumption and Production (substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; Encourage other stakeholders, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle (if they are companies)
  • Decent work and Economic growth (Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services)
  • Partnerships for the goals (Enhance support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building among all stakeholders and support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals)

The IFHE Centre of Excellence for Sustainability will meet the above-identified SDGs by means of a three-pronged approach.

a) Practice (Teach)

  • Develop a climate action and implementation plan for ICFAI university
  • Develop short-term and long-term courses on Sustainability for students and Other stakeholders.
  • Build a network of civil society and sustainability organizations, and think tanks to provide our students with internship and employment opportunities in SDG space.
  • Train students for job placements in Sustainability.
  • Conduct seminars.
  • Invite practitioners for guest lectures.

b) Policy (Think)

The centre aims to play a pivotal role in representing the voice of Sustainability champions

  • Influence policies.
  • Prepare policy recommendations.
  • Create Knowledge-based tools and disseminate the same through various multimedia tools like podcasts etc.
  • Create a community in the university to understand policies and publish seminal research papers on Sustainability.
  • Author case studies on Sustainability

c) Partnership (Do)

The Government and corporates are at the forefront of Sustainability already where they are trying to come up with some best sustainability practices. The Centre would like to-

  • Participate in Government funded projects
  • Partner with corporations and industry in various capacities.
  • partner with government departments in developing local policies and research

In summary, the Centre will endeavour to consult, create, and teach full-time certification courses and management development and outreach programs, and conduct research. It will also establish stable, monitored environments for seamless operations. The Centre will be responsible for setting up quality assurance benchmarks for practicing excellence and continuous improvement.

Lecture Series: Gearing up for Roles in Sustainability - Jobs for Now and the Future

The Centre of Excellence for Sustainability (CoES) conducted a lecture on the topic, “Gearing up for Roles in Sustainability - Jobs for Now and the Future” on the 13th of December 2023. The key speaker at this event was Dr. Padmini Srinivasan who is a distinguished Professor of Finance and Accounting at the Indian Institute of Management Bengaluru.

This lecture marked the inauguration of VidyaSwasti, an innovative initiative aimed at fostering knowledge creation and dissemination in the area of sustainability. The lecture is the beginning of a series of lectures in the area of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). The focus of these lectures is to inspire and educate individuals about the critical importance of sustainability in our world today.

Dr. Srinivasan's insightful presentation took us on a journey through the dynamic landscape of sustainability roles. She emphasized the evolving nature of sustainability careers, highlighting the increasing demand for professionals committed to addressing global challenges.

Report on Solve Data Boot camp by Reap Benefit

The CoES constantly strives to collaborate with agencies that help management students to put their skills to work in order to solve civic problems as part of Sustainability initiatives. In line with this, CoES identified students who were interested in solving civic issues by utilizing their data analytics skills.

Reap Benefit, a social enterprise hosted the ‘Solve Data Boot camp’ on 06/01/2024 to equip participants with data analysis skills to address environmental challenges. The event included tasks on data interpretation, survey technique, civic data analysis planning, data analysis, and action plan development. The boot camp showcased the practical applications of technology in solving real-world problems. Participants demonstrated their ability to analyze data effectively and propose viable solutions.

The event provided valuable insights into the positive role technology can play in environmental problem-solving and emphasized the importance of skill-building in data analysis for addressing critical environmental issues. The Solve Data Boot camp was a meaningful learning experience that empowered participants to harness technology for the greater good and instilled a deeper appreciation for the role of data analysis in environmental conservation.

Overall, the event was a successful initiative that reinforced the significance of data analysis in environmental conservation.

Sharing Voices on Free Public Transport

The CoES also ensured that IBS students understood that their voices matter in policy making on topics related to sustainability and governance. The centre invited students of IBS to present their views on ‘Local Niti Adda’, a platform where individuals from various walks of life express their opinions on implementation of policies. The discussion covered various dimensions, including increased accessibility, reduced traffic congestion, financial sustainability, implementation challenges, and building consensus. Many participants emphasized how free public transport could empower individuals with limited financial resources by facilitating access to essential services like education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Concerns about traffic congestion and its impact on air quality and overall urban development were addressed. Participants explored how free public transport could incentivize a shift towards shared mobility solutions, leading to a more sustainable urban environment.

The economic implications of implementing such a policy were acknowledged, and participants raised questions about the long-term financial viability. They also explored potential solutions for ensuring the sustainability of free public transport. The logistical complexities of implementing such a policy were considered, and participants addressed the need for careful planning, infrastructure upgrades, and effective communication strategies to ensure a smooth transition.

While diverse perspectives emerged, participants emphasized the collective desire to improve accessibility, sustainability, and equity in urban transportation. They emphasized the need for a collaborative approach, involving stakeholders from various sectors to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for free public transport. The event concluded with a call for further exploration and informed decision-making regarding the policy's implementation.

Recommendations included conducting feasibility studies, developing pilot programs in specific regions to gather data and refine implementation strategies, engaging in open dialogue with diverse stakeholders, and continuously monitoring and evaluating the policy's effectiveness and adapting it based on emerging data and feedback.

The gathering highlighted the need for continued discussion, collaboration, and careful consideration before implementing this potentially transformative policy. By prioritizing accessibility, sustainability, and equity, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for our cities.

Welcome to the world of international collaboration at IFHE Off-Campus Bengaluru, where the world is your classroom. We believe in the transformative power of global engagement and the boundless potential of international collaboration. Through our International Collaboration Cell, we offer students a gateway to a world of possibilities where cultural exchange, academic excellence, and global impact converge. It includes studying abroad, engaging in cross-cultural projects, or connecting with students worldwide. Beyond academics, the journey cultivates language skills through immersive experiences and connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds and fosters lasting friendships. As one navigates unfamiliar territories, independence flourishes, nurturing self-reliance and unveiling inner strengths. Amidst the excitement, facing fears becomes a catalyst for personal growth, transforming each moment into an exhilarating adventure of self-discovery.

“International Collaboration Cell is your passport to a truly global education.”


Cultural Fusion and Exchange: We aim to create a vibrant cultural melting pot where students from diverse backgrounds can exchange ideas, experiences, and perspectives.

Global Learning Opportunities: We provide students with unparalleled international learning experiences through exchange programs, internships, and collaborative projects with partner institutions worldwide, enhancing their academic and personal growth.

Academic Excellence Through Collaboration: We strive to enhance educational excellence by facilitating collaborative research projects, joint academic programs, and faculty exchanges with universities and research institutions globally.

Contribution to Global Impact: Through collaborative initiatives and partnerships, we seek to address pressing global challenges, promote innovation, and contribute to sustainable development efforts, making a positive impact locally and globally.

Center of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion was established in 2021.

It is an initiative to build an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and connected to IBS. Our club aims to sensitize people on gender, mental health, culture, religion, boundaries, and mindfulness. We want to raise awareness of cultural respect and tolerance, awareness of perceptions and judgments, benefits of inclusive decision-making, and inclusive communication with the power of whole team collaboration.


Team Uplight's vision is to sensitize students about inclusivity. Our goal is to help people understand their own unconscious bias

Some events that happened over the years

Pride Month celebration (2022) - (An outdoor awareness program based on educating people on inclusion towards LGBTQIA+)

Spot Light (Sensitization program to educate people on personal boundaries)

Guest Speaker: Ms. Brinda Adige

Movember- Men's mental health Initiative

(A subtle communication to the entire college through posters made by the Boys themselves and knowing their idea of mental health)

Dussehra Flash Mob (Diversified by culture, Unified by IBS)- [Religious diversity]

Razzle Dazzle - [Religious diversity]

(Christmas celebration, food stalls, donation to the orphanage)

Cultural Rendezvous (2023)- [Cultural Diversity]

(Dividing students into East, west, North, and South Zones and making them learn and give performances based on each other's culture)

Pride Month Celebration (Our Pride is sustainable too)- [Gender Diversity]

(Each section decorated a separate pillar with pride messages, hand-painted on a piece of cloth and covering the entire atrium, hence trying to subtly inject the message into campus. A message saying "IBS IS A SAFE SPACE" was placed in girls' and boys' washrooms, canteens, common rooms and in the smart board wallpapers of all the classes.